Celebrate the Holidays at the Lyndoch Street Party

13TH DECEMBER – 5PM – 10:30PM

The Lyndoch Street Party is set to return to the main street this year, on the very anniversary of the naming of the Barossa Valley, on December 13th, 1837.

The Lyndoch Historical Society will lay a wreath at the Street Party to commemorate Lyndoch’s Naming Day. This significant moment in history dates back to December 13th, 1837, when Colonel William Light, founder of Adelaide, explored the area now known as Lyndoch and bestowed its name in honour of his esteemed friend, Lord Lynedoch.

During his exploration, Colonel Light admired the beauty of the valley from what is now Lyndoch, and recorded his admiration for the region and also named the Barossa Range after the Battle of Barrosa in Spain, where he served as a young officer.

This act marked the birth of the world-renowned Barossa Valley and the establishment of Lyndoch as a key part of South Australia’s heritage.

The Barossa Colonel Light Monument, the largest in South Australia dedicated to Colonel Light, stands as a testament to his legacy. It symbolises the historical significance of his exploration and naming of Lyndoch and the Barossa Range, marking it as a cornerstone of the region’s identity.

Join us at the Lyndoch Street Party to honour this historic event and celebrate the rich heritage of Lyndoch and the Barossa Valley.

This is a unique opportunity to reflect on the past and celebrate the vibrant community that continues to thrive today.

Follow @LyndochStreetParty on Instagram to stay up to date with the latest news!


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